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We made a tiki-inspired “carbana” in three weeks!

As soon as I saw Megan’s carbana post, I knew that was the answer to the ongoing question of “WTF do we do about our horrible backyard?” Here’s how we pulled it off our tiki-inspired carbana in three weeks.

Bamboo fencing: my favorite island-style home decor

I’m working in Maui right now. Aloha, bitches! So I’m inspired to talk about one of my favorite decorating tools to instantly give your home an instant island feel — bamboo fencing! It’s obviously useful as fencing, but also has many indoor and outdoor uses to make your home feel like a tropical vacation.

My dream house: Snow White’s Los Angeles tiki-style bungalow

Can we take a minute to talk about our dream homes? I believe we all have (at least) one, right? You know, that one house that you always drive by on your way to work/the grocery store/your favorite vacation spot. That one house that you day dream about owning. You know… if you suddenly came into a million (or more) dollars. That house?

Well, torture upon tortures, my dream house is on the market right now. This is MY “that house”:

Photos and links about grape squooshing, apple bacon cheddar pie, Star Wars pancakes, and a berry-colored entryway

Start your day with our collection of interesting articles web and photos from our readers. In these Clicky Links you’ll find loads of offbeat travel ideas and a hot tip on an artist who makes personalized silhouettes.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!