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11 unexpected dorm items you'll need in college

10 unexpected dorm items you’ll need in college (or in a new apartment!)

If you’re heading off to college (or even just living on your own for the first time), you’ll need more than a cat, a rat, or a toad when you get there. Apologies to non-Potterphiles for that reference. You already know you’ll need those long bed sheets and shower shoes and maybe a mini fridge, but here are 11 unexpected dorm items you may not have thought of that will surely come in handy…

A crusty ex-radical's guide to cleaning and minimalism

A crusty ex-radical’s guide to cleaning and minimalism

My parents were hoarders and I lived in activist and or hippie/punk collective situations for about seven years, and now I even have a kid creating extra filth to clean up after. You can recover from being a huge mess and keep your rad politics if you want. Or you can just be a bitter crusty ex-radical like I am, but you can change. If I can do it, you can do it.

Here’s my advice for other broke-ass radical types who think that maybe it might be possible not to live in filth…

How do you live in a space that doesn’t fit your style?

Unemployment has brought my years of living in quirky shared apartments to an abrupt end. I’m now renting a room in a dear friend’s house, and I think I may go NUTS. I mean, I’m glad that living in a pastel-hued environment makes her happy. I really am. But being surrounded by “soothing” shades of aqua, “adorable” knick-knacks, and “inspirational” quotes is inducing serious angst for me. What’s the Offbeat Homie in a stiflingly decorated environment to do?

Help! My roommate is SUPER loud while doin’ it

My roommate keeps having loud crazy monkey sex when I’m wide awake and in the next room. One friend of mine said I just need to get better headphones, and another friend of mine said that she is being totally inconsiderate, and that there are rules with the roommate-having while boning. What are the rules? How does everyone else deal with this issue?

Newlyweds with a roommate: what should we be mindful of?

My husband and I got married not too long ago. It so happens that one of our long-time friends, also from our home town, found a part time job in the city I work in, and we’ve decided to share a flat. Offbeat Homies my questions are many…

How do I talk to potential roomies about living with me and my kid?

My soon-to-be ex-husband and I have shared custody of our son, which means he is with me about half of the month. In addition to being a mother, I work full time and am studying full time as well. (Read: I’m poor.) I’m living with a family member at the moment but I’m trying to relocate closer to school and work.

Help! How do we minimize backlash when kicking out a toxic roommate?

I currently live in a house with four roommates and our lease is up at the end of October. Here’s our problem… Everyone wants to stay in the house, but none of us want to stay with our one roommate. The other three of us want to kick her out, but we aren’t sure how to without backlash. What is a good and formal but polite way to tell her she isn’t wanted anymore?

Taking back the dishes: Fixing my kitchen angst

The truth is that my flatmates and I are pretty good about evenly sharing work. The truth is, when I did the dishes it was usually totally my turn. The truth is, when I was angsting about dishes, probably my flatmates were angsting about their own hot-button chore items, like mowing the lawn, or having a clear dining room table. And, universal truth is, the only person I can change is me. So I took back the dishes. And I found my Dishes Zen.