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Building a tiny house/sleep shed for the backyard of our cooperative

This year I decided I wanted to build my own tiny house after being inspired by many other examples such as Tumbleweed. It’s 150 square feet, uses passive solar heating, has an earthen floor and a green roof, and I built it (almost) entirely by myself as an addition to my cooperative home.

You wash, I’ll dry — but that’s a lot less work when I’ve got an open-air kitchen cabinet

This is what I want, now: a dish-draining cabinet. Instead of shelves, use open-bottomed slats to dry dishes. Water can drip down into the sink. I had no idea they were such a trend in Northern Europe! This cabinet style seems brilliant — cut down on work by cramming dish drying and dish storage into one step.

The home that produces almost zero trash and looks like a catalogue photo set

When I think of the type of home that might be a “zero waste” home — where occupants strive to eliminate the everyday disposables that seem sometimes to be inseparable from living — I guess I think of a home far from civilization. Maybe something handbuilt. The zero waste home in my imagination looks a lot like the permaculture-loving straw bale home we featured in April 2011. It’s woodsy, it’s cozy, it’s clearly inhabited by hippies.

Well, finding The Zero Waste Home blog goes to show me that assuming and stereotyping are no good.

Using Permaculture to utilize vertical space in a straw bale cabin’s small kitchen

Sarah and Tyler built a teeny tiny straw bale cabin — only 450 square feet. By working with intent in mind, the space looks big, airy, and very utilitarian. What can we learn from their kitchen’s vertical planning?