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The challenges that come with breastfeeding after surviving breast cancer

In my cancer story, the diagnosis and treatment was a huge, out-of-nowhere inconvenience in an otherwise fabulous life that I believed I had the right to see fulfilled. And I didn’t need to breastfeed my son to fill him with all the potential of a healthy young man. Except in MY mothering story, I had to do everything possible to nurse him, simply because I wanted to, I was driven to. I believed it was my right.

So you want to give running a try

No one would have ever called me an athlete. The only times I exercised was when I had to in gym class. But I always admired runners because they seemed so dedicated and driven. I tried giving running a shot half-a-dozen times, and quit a half-a-dozen times. Finally I decided to buckle down and do this. Here’s some things I discovered along my journey…

Heart-healthy food that’s REALLY easy?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with heart disease. I’m only 21 and in college. So I need to go from a “what can I grab and go?” fast food diet to a heart healthy diet asap. My partner is all for eating healthier, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are both short on cooking time. Are there any quick/easy meals or tips on how to have a heart healthy diet on the go?

10 healthy, brain-stimulating “at work”-outs you can do at your desk

I know, I know, you’re too busy to exercise. You’ve got obligations, family to attend to, and not to mention that full-time job (that you may be at right now!). You’re stuck behind a desk most of the day, so suiting up to go to the gym just ain’t happening. Okay then, why not get a little exercise right there at work? Here are seven exercises and three stretches that you can do right now at your desk.

How can I help my friend who’s been diagnosed with cancer?

Can we have a conversation about how to practically help a friend with a diagnosis of cancer (or other serious disease)? Just this week a very close old friend of mine (with 2 little kids) found out she has ovarian cancer, and it is spreading already. This is scary, scary stuff. Not much else is known right now. But I can’t be the only person with a friend facing this.

Coping with a partner’s (undiagnosed) depression

My partner of two years has been struggling with patterns of feeling moody, withdrawn, and overwhelmed. He’s recently admitted that he thinks he might be depressed, but he is still reluctant to see a doctor or therapist to figure things out. I want to be there for my partner, whom I care about deeply, but at what point do I need to step back and look out for my own emotional well-being? I’d appreciate any advice from those who have helped a friend partner with depression or had to encourage someone to seek therapy.

The cutest damn personal humidifier ever

I don’t know about where you live, but it’s been SUPER dry in my part ‘o the world. Imagine my pleasure and surprise when I stumbled upon the cutest damn personal humidifier ever. I was thinking of using it my living room office for a little bit of moister and mid-day adorbz. Check out another photo of teh cute along with a real customer review that’ll tell you all you need to know about this little guy…

Confessions of a fitness gadget whore

I have been a gadget whore for a very long time, but it is only within the last few years that I’ve started to care about exercise. And just like many people have stacks of Tae Bo DVDs languishing in their basement, I have the Gadget Drawer of Shame.

Today, we will peer into my collection of Fitness Gadgets of Christmas Past…