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Make friends in a new city with Ultimate Frisbee

Okay, so you just moved to a new location and you’re looking to make friends? Have you ever thought about doing so with a Frisbee? Here’s how one Homie used Ultimate Frisbee to make friends, build muscle, make dinner plans, and even make more money! Frisbees, man. Who knew!?

The trouble with teen girls and constant apologizing

In Girl World, where the slightest faux pas can make your friend inexplicably upset, you learn to apologize. Girls have come to think of apologies as preventive medicine, daily vitamins to be consumed habitually.

Babysitting and boundaries: my 5 rules for watching friends’ kids

Children are gifts, right? Sometimes they’re diamonds… or a gift bag of your favorite perfume… or a cheese tree. Other times they’re your great Aunt’s fruitcake. One way or the other, when you’re trying to plan an evening away, the rules of gift-giving apply.

How can we tactfully have a long-distance baby shower?

We’re moving out of state and most of our friends are spread out all over the United States, but we’d still love to involve them in a baby shower. Is it possible to tactfully have a long-distance party to celebrate the impending arrival of our twins?

I love my friends, but can’t handle their parenting: how to bridge the parenting styles chasm?

I have some couple friends who I adore, cannot stand as parents. I still see both of them all the time, but “family hangouts” almost never happen even though they live nearby and all our kids are the same age. Compared to my parenting style, my friends are neurotic and over-controlling with their kids, and it makes me anxious and exhausted. Sometimes they’ll even try to keep MY kids from doing shit I’m totally fine with, just because it makes them nervous.

Maintaining friendships without losing yourself in Mommyland

I started to feel a bit irritated that most of them didn’t seem to understand the limitations of late pregnancy. And then I took a step back and realized that a few short years ago, I was the one who didn’t understand. I remembered that what I should focus on was the fact that they wanted to include me enough that, in the end, they had me pick the activity so I’d have fun and be comfortable, too.

I’m glad I told my best friend I was devastated when she got pregnant

In February, my BFF announced that she was pregnant. After almost a year of trying and two early miscarriages, this news was incredible. Her excitement was obvious and beautiful — so I was shocked by the way I felt. Beneath my happiness I was… devastated.

What gifts can we send our pregnant friend for herself, not the baby?

My best friend is pregnant. Lately the preggo hormones have been making her very depressed and I was thinking about making up a care package for her — one that’s all about her and not so much focused on baby stuff. I know there are a lot of products that pregnant women can’t use or even come in contact with, so I was wondering if any of you could suggest some things that would be safe and useful for a mama to be.