What we eat and why it matters
Last summer I read The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter by Peter Singer and Jim Mason. I was given the book for my birthday, together with some cookbooks. You get the point, I love food. But I care about how it found its way into my kitchen, too. Let me tell you about what we decided works for us, after much book-reading and value-weighing.
I’m about to become a lesbian mother: any books or websites I should be reading?
As the non-bio mom, I am super excited, and know that I have a huge and important part in this — but I don’t know where to start looking for resources! I’ve been scouring the web for blogs, articles, and other resources for non-bio moms. Many of the blogs I’ve found are out of date and/or no longer being updated. The articles I’m finding don’t quite fit our situation. I can’t find any sort of pregnancy journal for the non-bio parent that isn’t for a dad.
Our favorite books for Offbeat Dads: let’s get a list going!
I just recently found out I’m expecting and I’m looking for recommendations for books to get my husband. When I showed him the positive test, he had this excited but completely terrified look on his face that hasn’t quite gone away. I think he is a bit more overwhelmed than he would like to admit.
Home palettes based on nerdy fandoms: Would you choose carpet that matches Worf’s hair?
I do love Adventure Time, Cartoon Network’s bizarro young adult show about a boy adventurer in the Land of Ooo. When I found Dan Toth’s episodic color palettes, I was inspired! Taking colors from TV shows to apply to — what, rooms? Spray paint craft projects? Reupholstery? GENIUS! I used Colour Lovers to do the same with a few other nerdy loves: Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.
The Dungeons: my Professor Snape-inspired office
Eight years ago, I moved into my current home. That was when I began putting together my unusual office, a small space filled to bursting with books, curiosities and Professor Snape collectibles. It is also whimsically known as “the dungeons.”
I think of the room as a collage of sorts, a work of art, a sanctuary. I love arranging objects in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and finding ways to cram yet more of them in every nook and cranny. I love jars, and bugs, and memento mori… I love things that belong to a more genteel age: quills, ink wells, hourglasses, Oriental carpets.
Dan lives in a pine-paneled hole in the ground in the Northwest United States
I really love imagining what it would be like to live in completely different ways. When I was a kid, many of my favorite books had vivid descriptions of offbeat homes; my favorite comes from My Side of the Mountain, in which a boy runs away from home and builds a life living in a hollowed-out oak tree with a pet hawk.
This is the book I thought of when I learned about Dan Price, an artist who lives in a hole he dug.
5 recipes for a Game of Thrones-style Thanksgiving feast
I love the niche cooking blog Inn at the Crossroads. I just love reading each weird new recipe IatC puts out. This Thanksgiving I’m going to try to make at least one of their Game of Thrones dishes for a warm and hearthy feeling, but it would be so easy to put together an entire menu. Here are my picks.
Un-bedside tables for easy book storage and access
Right now my bedside table is an upended suitcase — a failed attempt to turn it into a cat bed. No storage, and not pretty. To solve my problem, I’ve been fantasy shopping for an un-bedside table. As I see it, here are my options.