Category Archive


How do I keep critters from eating my garden before I can?

Since it’s gardening season, I was hoping for some advice on humane and eco-friendly pest control in the garden.

How on earth do I keep these insane squirrels away from my pumpkins? How do I save my blueberries from the birds? How do I do this without spraying toxins or harming the animals?

House-buying: Inform your gut instinct

Last year my partner and I closed on our very first home. But wait… we only looked at one house during our search. Are we crazy?

Hostess gift ideas: look past wine and go for handmade, locally-sourced, or unusual offerings

If wine just won’t cut it for your next hostess gift, we have new ideas. Carnivorous plants? Pineapples? Oh my!

How do I remove hair dye from the bathroom wall?

I dye my hair black on a regular basis, and I’m also a clumsy oaf. My bathroom wall has many spots of blueish-black. How can I resolve this messy problem?

My partner wants a bland palette in our new home. What can I do to keep color alive?

If my current house was an analogy of a clown puking all over everything — which is a description I’ve heard — the new house would make that same clown drop dead from sadness. What can I do?!

What do you wear when you work from home?

This isn’t really advice so much as that I’m new to this, so I thought I’d ask: what do other at-home workers wear, day to day? Does it make a difference what you wear?

Displaying postcards and other paper ephemerata without any sticky stuff

I have a lot of postcards that I want to use to decorate my new apartment, but I can’t quite figure out how. How can I incorporate these postcards in my decor in an aesthetically-pleasing and durable way?

We want to move into an up-and-coming neighborhood, but our family’s putting us off!

I need to convince my family that living downtown doesn’t mean raising our kids in a crack den!