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It’s cool if you’re not a woman, and 9 other rules for dating my son

Since the advent of Pinterest and Tumblr, posts venting parental frustrations have been shared, pinned and reblogged with silent nods of understanding, uproarious laughter and the occasional GPOY tag. Now and then, I’ll come across a post intended as humor that really bugs me. When I look at what the post is really saying, it’s just passive-aggressive repetition of the tropes and assumptions that I don’t want to include in my parenting.

Mini-fridges that’ll look awesome in your living room

My husband wants to get a mini-fridge for our beer collection. Problem is, it would need to be in our living room. Help me find some stylish mini-fridge options that I won’t hate looking at everyday?

Petitioning fate while you’re expecting: 9 lessons for those planning unmedicated deliveries

Childbirth can feel like it’s going to be a train coming through your body. If you’re a parent-to-be, you already know you’re getting ready for what some consider one of life’s big journeys — as in childbirth first, motherhood second. That’s the order you think in if you’re like me and didn’t grow up around a lot of kids. The real journey is being a parent, but you don’t realize it. At least I didn’t, at first.

Has anyone tried composting their pet waste?

I’ve been thinking about alternative methods to dispose of my dog’s waste. There seems to be some controversy over the best disposal method. Has anyone tried composting pet waste? Is anyone aware of the environmental impacts of composting pet waste compared to throwing it in the garbage?

What should we be considering when we build our own home?

My husband and I are looking at building our first home. I just wanted to ask the Homies about any experiences that they’ve had when building their first homes (good and bad), and what they wish they’d known/considered first.

Here’s a list of all the stuff pregnancy books won’t tell you

Recently several newly pregnant friends have asked me if I had any advice for them, which has given me occasion to think over all the things that have kept my partner and me going throughout my pregnancy and our first nine months of parenting. While pregnant, I read as many pregnancy and parenting books as I could get my hands on, and learned a lot, both about what I wanted to do and what I didn’t want to do.

Help! How do we minimize backlash when kicking out a toxic roommate?

I currently live in a house with four roommates and our lease is up at the end of October. Here’s our problem… Everyone wants to stay in the house, but none of us want to stay with our one roommate. The other three of us want to kick her out, but we aren’t sure how to without backlash. What is a good and formal but polite way to tell her she isn’t wanted anymore?

Where do I find offbeat glassware that’s life-proof?

Less than a year after my wedding, all my fabulous glassware (the Mikasa Cheers collection) is breaking! If these glasses can’t stand up to our mild daily abuses, there’s no way we’re purchasing the same kind again. How do you find glassware that’s offbeat and still strong enough to survive a few years of normal wear and tear?