Over on my personal blog, I’ve been documenting my transition from over-decorated, super-colorful apartment to minimalist, calm, living situation. My radar has been finely tuned to seek out minimalist decorating inspiration. So it’s no wonder, as I peruse my favorite thing in the world — real estate listings — that I’m finding home decor ideas!
Check out the sexily simple bedroom of this minimalist home in the hills of Los Angeles…
The key to this look:
Simple bed frame

Tie dye throw

Jute rug

Adjustable desk lamps

Small metal side tables

Then top it off with one piece of statement art, one architectural indoor plant, and crisp white bed sheets!
I love this look, especially the throw. But I know I could never maintain it as a living space – the floor would have a pile of worn-once bras and jeans and there would be hair pins everywhere! I admire people who can live minimally. Three times a year I do a big clear out and cart what feels like half my belongings to the charity shop, and I’m still surrounded by bits and pieces that just won’t stay where they belong.
Megan if you’re getting anywhere close to achieving minimalism, do tell me more!
I’m doing it! I’m doing it! My bedroom is kiiiiind of like this, and I’m keeping it up. I’ll write more about it.
Okay! I wrote about mah bedroom: http://funkindeepfreeze.com/2015/07/16/minimalist-bohemian-bedroom
Awesome, thanks!
Do you keep the books in the closet? Then where do all the clothes go? 😛
While going this bare isn’t for me at this point, I do like the combo of the wood floor and that rug. More bedrooms should have wood floors! (Plus fuzzy slippers for when the floor is cold in the morning.)
The only way I can maintain minimalist clean in my bedroom is to have bedside tables with room for books. And big bookshelves elsewhere in the house.
I want that giant floor-to-ceiling window facing my bed (but with curtains/blinds of some sort). Gorgeous!
I’m not excited by minimalism in general, but something about this bedroom really works for me! I’m trying to figure out what it is. Maybe it’s all the texture? Or maybe it’s the colors. Even though they’re used sparingly, they’re bold and saturated without being matchy-matchy.
Ack, you’re converting me to minimalist interior design!
Mwhahahahahaha. I need all my Homies to join me in whatever interior design phase I’m going through and IT IS WORKING!!!!