Thanks for your interest sharing your home with us!
A few notes on photos:
- We can’t feature your home without photos.
- We can accept photos via Google Drive, Flickr, Dropbox, Facebook folder, etc. (that we can gain access to) in a set containing no more than 50 photos.
- Please be sure to include photos of you and any other occupants in your home, using the space! We like our home tours to feel like people really LIVE in these homes, and it’s hard to get a feel for the space without seeing YOU in the photos.
- We like photos that give a real sense of the rooms — sure, we like that cute bookshelf you’ve got, but we want to see the WHOLE ROOM that cute bookshelf is in. Don’t just focus on details: aim to get a real sense of the context of your home.
- Photo quality definitely counts. Here are some tips on how to photograph your home.
Now, just answer a few questions for us. Take your time and answer questions thoroughly.