The Offbeat Mama’s pregnancy and birthin’ checklist
So… you’re having a baby? No two pregnancies and deliveries are the same, which means no two experiences will be. What you’ll find here is a handy checklist of a few things any Offbeat Mama may want to consider while pregnant.
Can I breastfeed if I have nipple piercings?
Jacqueline has taken the piercings out of her nipples, but still has the holes. Since she’s eight months pregnant, she’s wondering — can she breastfeed her baby with pierced nipples?
Step in during kid conflicts or let them handle it themselves?
As the mother of a long-haired boy who has already had feminine-flavored insults thrown at him by other kids, I’ve already had to make choices on when to step in to help him handle the situation. I wonder, though: how do you decide when to let your kid(s) fight their battles, and when to stop potentially damaging situations?
How can I make it easier to be away from my child for a few days?
I will be heading across the country (from Southern California to Nashville! Woo hoo!) for five days in July and it will be my first time away from my ten-month-old son over night. How can I make this easier for both of us?
What kind of comics can I share with a four-year-old?
Meredith wants to get her kiddo into comic books, but the trouble is she doesn’t really know a lot about them. Comic book geeks: fill her in on all of the kid-friendly but not cheesy-cartoony comics out there!
How can I keep cool while baby-wearing in high temperatures?
Temperatures are currently on the rise as some parts of the world move into summer. How can baby-wearing mamas and papas keep themselves and their little ones cool and still wrapped?
Where can butches find maternity clothing?
Can we talk about pregnant butch girls and maternity clothing? My partner of 10 years and I are expecting our first child in November. I need to go shopping for maternity clothes, but am concerned about the very feminine options that I have seen thus far.
How should I talk to my kid about puberty?
Rebecca’s son is nine, and she’s starting to wonder: is it time to talk about puberty? Did your parents ever talk about it with you, or what did you tell your kids?