I’m about to become a lesbian mother: any books or websites I should be reading?
As the non-bio mom, I am super excited, and know that I have a huge and important part in this — but I don’t know where to start looking for resources! I’ve been scouring the web for blogs, articles, and other resources for non-bio moms. Many of the blogs I’ve found are out of date and/or no longer being updated. The articles I’m finding don’t quite fit our situation. I can’t find any sort of pregnancy journal for the non-bio parent that isn’t for a dad.
How can we deal with middle school meltdowns?
My oldest child, 12 years old, is in his first year of middle school. Without warning, we have hit an academic brick wall. My once mostly straight A student is now failing half his classes. He’s bombing tests and not turning in work. While I have done my absolute best to keep in contact with his teachers and have talked with him repeatedly about the importance of good grades and writing things down, I feel like I have led my little horse to water but he’s refusing to drink.
We live with 9 adults and we’re pregnant — has anyone else tried something like this?
We currently live in a group house with 8-9 other people, all Burning Man artists, no kids — and my wife’s newly pregnant. We told our housemates and they were really supportive and great, and seemed interested in the idea of having something small running around the house so that they could witness the process first hand and pass on all their alt-culturey values once the kid was interactive.
Our favorite books for Offbeat Dads: let’s get a list going!
I just recently found out I’m expecting and I’m looking for recommendations for books to get my husband. When I showed him the positive test, he had this excited but completely terrified look on his face that hasn’t quite gone away. I think he is a bit more overwhelmed than he would like to admit.
How can we share our values and views with my step-kids without insulting their other home?
I am an offbeat stepmama to two beautiful stepsons with different mothers, ages nine and one-and-a-half. In their other homes, they live relatively healthy, active lives and they are well looked after and cared for in conventional ways. They have conventional toys, are socialized according to gender (with an emphasis on heterosexuality), and are educated about nutrition using common standards.
When will breastfeeding stop interfering with my sex life?
I have always enjoyed a really great sex life with my husband — pretty much right up until the birth of our daughter in August. After she was born, it took a while to get back into the swing of things. The problem now is that it hurts every time we try to have sex. I talked to my midwife about it and she said that it is going to hurt more than normal because I’m breastfeeding her. I do have an IUD but she assured me that it wasn’t the problem and once I stop breastfeeding, it will go back to “normal.”
Are dolls appropriate for one-year-olds?
My baby is about to turn one and I’ve been looking online at lists of age-appropriate toys. Simple puzzles, shape-sorter toys, stacking toys, etc, all sound great — but dolls are also on the list. I’m not sure how I feel about that. She’s so young!
I need a lightweight, cost-effective stroller — what’s your favorite?
There are about 100 million strollers out there. I am four-and-a-half months pregnant with my first baby and all I want is a “normal” stroller. All I see are giant, two lane, SUV type strollers that cost around $600. I just want something that will allow me to walk with my baby and maybe let me pick up some vegetables at the market. Something compact, affordable and functional from infant to baby that won’t be hard to get up two flights of stairs to my apartment. Does this exist?