What happens when you’re an unwilling job reference?
My former boss (who I’m still on excellent terms with) put the call out to fill my old position. A good friend of mine applied for it. The problem is: I have serious doubts about her ability to do my former job, and I think my old boss should know that.
I survived starting college early
I took my first college class when I was a fourteen-year-old freshman in high school. By fifteen, I had dropped out of high school to become a full-time resident student at a private college three and a half hours away from my parents. So, based on my experiences, and some of the things I’ve heard from my former dormmates, I thought I’d shared the pros and cons of starting college early.
I think I’ve had three husbands: Navigating spousal career changes
Preacher’s wife. Teacher’s wife. Accountant’s wife. Huh? Yeah, I’ve been all three. And in the relatively short (five years) of marriage, I have found that with each career change my husband embarks on, I am challenged with re-learning how I perceive myself, my husband and our relationship.
How can an introvert thrive at work?
I have been at a great job for six months and have just had my second employee review. What came up is that my boss thinks I need to be more confident and assertive and forge better relationships with my colleagues. I am finding myself getting more introverted as I get older (pretty sure I was never this bad in school) and I have trouble initiating conversations with people. Do any homies have advice for dealing with being the introvert in the workplace?
LinkedIn: I use it for exactly one thing (and it’s not job hunting)
It feels like we pretty much all have a LinkedIn profile. We know that 200 million people do. So we all have accounts, but this, my friends, is the question: WTF is LinkedIn actually FOR? It’s a social network, but no one seems to network much there. It’s for finding jobs, but how?
Married student housing for college students is awesome and you should totally live there
I’m not sure who introduced the idea to us, but we happily discovered that our university offered inexpensive on-campus housing to married students and families. We checked out the apartments, got the details, and were sold: $400 rent for a tiny place only a five-minute bike ride from school? Yes.
Have you transitioned from working full-time to full-time student?
I’ve been in my current career for almost seven years. Due to several factors, I’m thinking about going back to school to get my PhD and hopefully become a professor someday. Due to the program I want, it’s not possible for me to continue working in my field AND go back to school. Any advice out there for those who’ve made the transition?
Blending work, home, and marriage: How to work with your spouse
I finally finished my PhD and found myself at a loose end. My husband Jamie was wrapping up his own project and he made a proposal: why not work on an iPad word game idea together? So in a week we had a working prototype and we thought hey, this could work; we can always quit if it doesn’t. That first week of working together gradually became months as our daily lives melded work, home, and marriage. Along the way I learned a few things, through trial and error, that made working with a spouse easier…