Category Archive


Our homes are made up of lots of working parts — bedrooms, redecorated kitchens, upgraded baths, ogle-worthy renos, ticks and tricks for cleaning and organizing, and real home tours all live here to represent the spaces of your Offbeat Home.

Beyond the chair-pile: What do you do with not-quite dirty clothes?

I wear my clothes multiple times between laundrings, but between the Sunday school t-shirt I wear one morning a week, my don’t-have-to-be-perfect-after-work-running-errands clothes, and that work dress that I can wear again, before I know it I have a semi-clean-clothes monster piled in a chair! What systems — physical or mental — have YOU come up with for managing semi-clean clothes?

Use bread to pick up broken glass

With an apartment full of furry creatures, I always freak out when glass breaks in my kitchen. Thanks to the Tasted YouTube channel, I now have a good way to make sure glass shards shall be no threat to paws and crumb-searching tongues.

DIY chess board necklace organizer

I’ve been following all of the clever ways that people organize their jewelry. For a long time, I’ve wanted to figure out a new and unique way to organize my necklaces. At a yard sale the other day, it finally came to me. I saw an old wooden travel chess set, with carved chess pieces, and thought, well that could be turned into something amazing.

Conquering the belongings that formerly overwhelmed me

Are you moving or thinking it’s time to reduce some of the crap you own? Homie Matilda’s struggle with getting rid of all of her belongings for her impending move might help inspire you to reduce the amount of crap you own. Or it might also make you realize WHY it is you keep holding on to so many THINGS.

Bamboo fencing: my favorite island-style home decor

I’m working in Maui right now. Aloha, bitches! So I’m inspired to talk about one of my favorite decorating tools to instantly give your home an instant island feel — bamboo fencing! It’s obviously useful as fencing, but also has many indoor and outdoor uses to make your home feel like a tropical vacation.

Would you ditch paper towels for this re-usable “unpaper towel” roll?

Thanks to KP who uploaded her super colorful and quite eco-friendly paper towel roll photo into our Flickr pool, I learned what an unpaper towel roll is. We talked about going toilet paper free. But would you ditch your paper towels?

10 tips for buying your first home from a Homie in the trenches

This should really be titled “things I wish someone had told me before we tried to buy a home.” So, because no one told me, I wish to tell you, in hopes that it will help.

Yarn-pocalypse: Boring corner overhaul

Big fuzzy yarn-fluffy thanks to Honolulu Homie Lauren for uploading this color orgy of a moment into our Flickr pool. Or as she referred to it… “Yarn-pocalypse: Boring corner overhaul.” The moment I saw it pop up like rainbow magic in our Flickr pool, I just had to know more… paintings, dinosaurs, what’s hanging up over the kitchen pass through!? Amazing. And Lauren was more than happy to tell us all about her moment.