Recycle your halloween pumpkin as yummy refrigerator soup
Buying a huge vegetable, setting it outside for a few days, then throwing it away bothers me. Inspiration hit when a friend explained “refrigerator soup,” made from whatever veg was a little past its prime. If this soup works for slightly saggy veg, couldn’t it work for my old pumpkins too?
DIY or Buy: Making state fair-style corndogs at home
You ever notice how, from one state to another, there can be drastic vocabulary differences?
I’m originally from the awesome state of Minnesota, where, for whatever reason, there are a few things that are just said differently. For example, growing up, I played Duck, Duck, Gray Duck instead of Duck, Duck, Goose. It wasn’t until I was in college that I learned about the goose business. And it’s the same way with corn dogs: In Minnesota, and especially at the Minnesota State Fair, these babies are Pronto Pups. Not that you can’t find a corn dog in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but you’re more likely to encounter a pronto pup. It’s just the way it is.
But no matter what you call them, the hot-dog-wrapped-in-corn-batter-and-dipped-in-hot-oil is a quintessential fair food. It’s fried, it’s on a stick and it’s delicious. After the dual appetizers of fried pickles and mac and cheese on a stick, a pronto pup (a.k.a. corn dog) dinner is just about perfect. So, here we go!
Celebrate Oktoberfest digitally with new homebrew recipes
It being Oktoberfest season, I want to take a little time to swap stories, recipes, and beer-laden goodies. Come in for recipes!
Vegan Black Metal Chef shreds your MIND with pad thai
I fully support the black metalizing of every day tasks. This is a legit recipe. Get out your fucking metal knife and get to it. CRUSH THOSE PEANUTS.