Category Archive


There’s a place for everything, and everything in its place… yes, even THAT.

The CD storage problem: what’s a music hoarder to do?

My partners and I have a huge music collection that includes tons of CDs, vinyl and cassettes. I’ve been begging freecycle for CD towers, but nobody seems to have them around anymore, and even if I got some, they really only solve the CD storage problem. What’s a music hoarder to do?

Baskets moment: Use pillowcases to keep sheet sets together!

This is such a simple silly tiny thing but it has made me so unreasonably happy that I thought I would share it, in case there is anyone else out there who doesn’t have all of their sheets perfectly folded and organised. There must be someone, right?

Great idea: Frame your earrings and hang ’em on the wall

Here is yet another brilliant idea in the way of jewelry storage. All you need is a frame and cross-stitch fabric. Easy and awesome.

Make your own an industrial jewelry stand for $10

Remember Heron from her DC rowhouse tour? Well, here’s her $10 DIY solution for keeping jewelry organized… and a cute kitty photo bomb.

Use slatboard to store your Nerf guns

It wasn’t until I saw this father and son-designed Nerf gun display using the Jifram Easy Living slatwall kit that I REALLY realized how cool this shit is AND finally came up with the solution to my Nerf-guns-and-ammo-scattered-about-the-apartment problem.

6 ways to pimp your tiny rental kitchen

Our kitchen is teensy. I can pretty much touch both walls ay once, in both directions. I love to cook and bake, so it was important to me that even though the kitchen was small, it worked well and held everything I need at arm’s reach without chaos in every cupboard.
We’re renters, so while I could write a million posts about things I’d do in this kitchen if I owned it (pot rack, wall mounted lid racks, more sensibly proportion cabinets, extra shelving… etc), here are some ideas that anyone can do — whether you own your house or not.

How to moth-proof your yarn collection AND kept it pretty

My yarn stash was sitting in wicker baskets or boxes on the floor. Why not just lay out a moth banquet? So, I decided to see this is an opportunity to re-do the “knitting corner” in my living room.

So here some of my anti moths in yarn techniques…