How do I keep clutter from expanding and filling my new space!?
We’re about to move into a two bedroom apartment with a den. While I am ecstatic about having a little more room — like actually having a living room — with so much more space than we currently have I am worried about it easily becoming cluttered just to fill the space. Do you have any recommendations for how to deal with an increase in square footage while ensuring it is used intentionally?
Line dry your clothes indoors and in small spaces
Transform even tight spaces into your indoor home line-drying laundry system using Einspine’s Drawing Line. This system by designer Russ Hornstein is currently on sale for $12 over on Uncommon Goods, but it could totally be recreated on your own by collecting everything you need to make this yourself.
Make a filing cabinet for your laundry
Our two-adult-one-child household produces a crap-ton of laundry that drove me absolutely insane; there was always a pile in every room, and an absolute mountain of it right there beside our glorious washer and dryer. So, thanks to Pinterest, I got creative.
Matching spice jars: pretty & awesome or stupidest idea evar?
Can we talk about matching spice jars?
Half of me says “You should totally do that! It’s chic, pretty, and awesome.” The other half says “THAT IS THE STUPIDEST IDEA AND MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. WHY WOULD YOU MAKE MORE WORK FOR YOURSELF BEYOND THE JARS THEY COME IN?!” My brain literally yells that at me.
What does everyone else think? Does anyone in the real world have all their spices in matching jars?
Use dirty things in your hands to clean your bathroom in 10 seconds.
My quick cleaning tip is that when I’ve finished using a makeup remover wipe I turn it over so the clean side is out and use it to give my bathroom sink a quick wipe out of toothpaste residue/stray hairs/dropped powder from my makeup.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the domestic arts
I am a shit housekeeper. My culinary background is in microwave dinners and take-out. I didn’t think anything of it until it came time to move in with my now husband. We moved into a lovely house (check), I bought some lovely lipstick (check), I found a strand of pearls at a garage sale (check). So why the hell is the laundry always in a pile, the dishes never done, the floor all dirty and most of the things I cook are gross, mushy approximations of food?
Dust your home with a lint roller
This afternoon I was using a lint roller on my couch (black cat + white blanket on couch = grey couch) when I had a “BASKETS!” moment. I ripped the clogged-up sheet from the lint roller and ran it over my table: Voila! No more dust or hair!
Let’s talk about what washing machine to buy
We had an older washer break, and apparently it is not something Miss Fix-it here can fix. Being as it is an older washer and repairing may be an endless pit, we have decided to replace it. Does anyone have a washer they’d recommend? Has anyone ever purchased a refurbished appliance, and how did that work out?