After reading your great blog post about your temporary relocation in Colombia, I’d like to submit a question that maybe some Homies could answer: what are the best places to be a digital nomad in Latin America or the West Indies?Usual considerations involve the availability of free (and reliable!) wifi, coffee shops, an entrepreneur culture, co-working spaces and cost of living that’s cheaper than in the US or Canada.
Right now I’ve read good reviews about Medellin, Colombia, and Antigua, Guatemala, but I’d like to expand my knowledge in order to hopefully make the leap to digital nomad living this year. -Audrey
Good question. As I written about before, Bogota was awesome for being a digital nomad! I also had similar experiences in Cartagena, and Panama. But that’s the extent of my “working in Latin America” knowledge. I know we have a lot of expat Homies.
Any of you have advice for being a digital nomad in Latin America and the West Indies?
No personal experience, but I hear Ecuador is great both in terms of location and exchange rate.
I would say most Latin American big cities are quite good for digital nomadism! Many places have free WiFi and it depends more on what kind of city you’re looking for, your finances (the big cities are not as cheap as you might think), and your common sense. Personally, I thought Lima was very exciting. But I also love Quito, Buenos Aires… it’s really up to you.