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Supporting the offbeat & subfertile

Recently, one of my dearest friends told me she’s been having fertility problems for about a year. I feel really helpless and unsure of the best way to support her.
How can you be a good offbeat pre-auntie or uncle when things aren’t going so smoothly?

Maternity glam, straight from Hawaii

Marina of Red Heart Photo submitted an amazing photo to the Offbeat Mama flickr pool, and when I saw it I realized HEY WAIT A MINUTE! I posted photos from this mama’s wedding a few years back.

The “safe” zone wasn’t so safe

I recently miscarried a child that I wanted very, very much. I went to the doctor last Wednesday and the doctor told me she couldn’t find a heartbeat, and the baby looked a little “under-developed.” About three weeks under-developed to be exact.

My pregnancy was unplanned, so why am I so heartbroken over this miscarriage?

For most women week 13 is the time they get to relax as the “danger time” for miscarriage has passed. My week 13 involved getting a bad sign, and the doctor confirming what I already feared was going on: my pregnancy hormone levels had already plummeted, which meant you weren’t alive anymore.