Category Archive


Kynslie and Taylor: From Mormon wedding in Utah to expecting a baby in Idaho (by way of Georgia and the UK)

WOW! It’s been a pretty wild two years (and three months) for us. We went from Utah to Oxford, UK, to beautiful Savannah, Georgia. Then, due to my husband being laid off, we packed up our things in a week and headed west. BUT it’s turned out pretty good! We ended up buying an adorable house, getting a second dog, AND dun dun dun… found out in February that we are expecting our first baby (it’s a boy!) on HALLOWEEN!

LinkedIn: I use it for exactly one thing (and it’s not job hunting)

It feels like we pretty much all have a LinkedIn profile. We know that 200 million people do. So we all have accounts, but this, my friends, is the question: WTF is LinkedIn actually FOR? It’s a social network, but no one seems to network much there. It’s for finding jobs, but how?

Have you transitioned from working full-time to full-time student?

I’ve been in my current career for almost seven years. Due to several factors, I’m thinking about going back to school to get my PhD and hopefully become a professor someday. Due to the program I want, it’s not possible for me to continue working in my field AND go back to school. Any advice out there for those who’ve made the transition?

Blending work, home, and marriage: How to work with your spouse

I finally finished my PhD and found myself at a loose end. My husband Jamie was wrapping up his own project and he made a proposal: why not work on an iPad word game idea together? So in a week we had a working prototype and we thought hey, this could work; we can always quit if it doesn’t. That first week of working together gradually became months as our daily lives melded work, home, and marriage. Along the way I learned a few things, through trial and error, that made working with a spouse easier…

What is it like working at a sperm bank?

When my partner and I think about starting a family down the road, we know that as two women we will most likely choose to work with a sperm bank. I am positive that route makes the most sense for us and our future family, but I still can’t quite wrap my mind around the idea of a sperm bank. They seem so sci-fi!

Why I ditched the “American dream” and became a Park Ranger

I took my responsibility as a father and husband seriously, and I was so focused on making sure that the life I gave my family was better than the one I had growing up that I lost sight of something extremely important… Myself. So I abandoned the “American dream” once I got inspired to live MY dream. And it was all for one simple reason…

Is quitting your day job to own your own small business worth the risk?

I am a nurse and have been doing that for about four years. But I had to quit my job out of sheer exhaustion. I love to cook. I had started to look into a small business that I can run out of my home kitchen. I am 100% sure I can do this, but my question is… is it worth the risk? Has anyone else had this sort of complete career change and succeeded?

On the other side of the door: What it’s like to be an apartment manager

I have been fortunate enough to work from home for the past two years. I currently work as an apartment manager for my apartment complex. While I love my job, and no matter how much insane shit I deal with every day, I would never trade it for the world. That being said, there are times when it sucks to be an apartment manager…