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grown ups

How playing a Star Wars video game helped my parenting skills

There is no “reload” button on life, no restarting quests if you screw up a step, no taking back what you said if you’ve said it and realized the outcome was less than desirable. But you do get to do all of that in video games! I admit, I take advantage of the luxury in video game just to satisfy my curiosity on the possible outcomes. Sometimes the answers are really obvious, but there are some situations that require much thought (and system saving) before venturing forth on a decision.

How can we establish good baby-sitter etiquette with our neighbors?

We live in a townhouse and my significant other’s friends live next door. They have a four-year-old son who occasionally needs babysitting. I don’t have a problem babysitting him, but they’ll send us a text only a few hours before or the night that they need us. How can I initiate a (polite) conversation about being respectful of us?

No, that’s not my daughter: how being a sister prepared me for motherhood

Sometime in 8th grade I went to the store with my mom and my youngest sister, AJ. I remember people watching the three of us walking through the store with quizzical looks. They would look first at my mom, then to me, then to AJ, then back to me. Finally, as we made our way through the checkout, the cashier looked at me and said “Your daughter is so cute,” then back to my mother and finished “You are a lucky grandma!” I stared, my 14-year-old self feeling completely embarrassed and horrified, as my mom calmly answered, “Actually, I’m the mom. They are both mine.”

You need new pinup attire and your kid definitely needs a monster playmate

The Offbeat Mama Directory is steadily getting cooler and cooler — in addition to a plethora of amazing kid’s clothing and wonderful photographers, I’m always keeping my eyes peeled for artists, cool upcyclers, and pretty much anything I think might strike your fancy. So check these ouuuuut.

How can I find a pediatrician I’m comfortable with?

I’m wondering how members of the community came to find an offbeat/accepting/respectful pediatrician within the confines of area and insurance. I’m having a hard time finding someone that will be respectful of my decisions as a parent.

How can I make my non-kid home more kid-friendly?

A while back, I asked about how to be supportive to your new parent friends. I got a lot of wonderful advice that has proved helpful. Here is a question that I’ve been pondering a lot as my friends start to venture out of their houses with their kidlets: what tips do you have for being a good host to kids and their parents in your house?

Why I mix play dates and politics

Here I am: sitting at a play date. Let’s say this play date is at a park, where the sun is shining and the kids are giggling. No flies on the snacks, no sand has been thrown. The moms are quiet but for all outward appearances, content. In this slice of domestic bliss, it suddenly occurs to me to bring up oil fracking. If you’re in a playgroup, you’ve probably picked up the social cues dictating proper momversations.

Cycling with contractions — would you ride your bike to the hospital while in labor?

So, you thought labor was hard when you had to DRIVE to the hospital during contractions, right? What if you were RIDING YOUR BIKE?