How do you get to know your neighbors without seeming like a weirdo?
It’s a little sad to move out of an apartment realizing that you never learned the names of your neighbors. What schemes can we concoct to make the neighborhood friendlier?
How to be a Godless Godmother
I am an atheist punk, and have been since about the age of 12. My best friend, and mother of my godchild, is Christian. We respect each other’s viewpoints and have adopted each other as family, so it only made sense that when she got married and started procreating that I would be officially added to her new family – as the godmother.
How do you pick gifts for your the kids of your ONbeat parent friends?
Wondering what to get the kids of your onbeat mom and dad friends? Here’s a few potential ideas!
Finding offbeat mama friends: a follow up!
Finding Offbeat Mama friends is a challenge for many of us, including me, so I’ve taken to the digital streets and am putting myself out there. We’ll see what happens!
How do you find offbeat parent friends?
Once you’re well into adulthood, how do you find your people? Stephanie and I will both take a stab at answering, and then we’d love to hear from Offbeat Mamas themselves about how they do it!
Have screaming kid, will travel
It all started when the pills ran out. You see, when a 4’11”, petite-in-every-place girl delivers a 10 pound baby, there is a lot of, ahem, stitching and fixing up to be done.
Normally I decline medication, but after Jonah tore into the world my doctor didn’t have to push it. In the hospital, floating on pain medicine, I was still struck by how completely unprepared I was for taking care of a baby, but I was handling it okay.
Then I went home.
“I thought you didn’t want kids!”
I waited as long as possible to announce my pregnancy. I told my oldest friends first. And the first reactions were: “Congratulations?” “Oh. Wow.” “I thought you didn’t want kids!”