I survived post-partum depression — twice
Before I had kids, I was really, really happy. I didn’t exactly party like a rock star, but I had all the free time in the world. I worked 40 hours, had a great boyfriend, vacationed every chance I got, and spent office time Googling fun drinks to make after work. Then I missed a period, found out I was pregnant, and everything I thought I was dissolved.
The photo-filled home birth story of baby Katurah
Orange County-based Blair Nicole Photography recently shot Chad and Veronica’s home birth experience — and is sharing the photos with us today!
When it comes to birth, which is more important: the practitioner or the place?
I just had my 20 week appointment with my midwife.. and she told me she’s moving to new hospital! So now I wonder: when it comes to birth, which is more important: the practitioner or the place?
My U.S. military hospital birth didn’t follow protocol
The U.S. military is regimented, strict, and follows a standard protocol, and their approach to delivering babies is no different. When I found out I was pregnant I was more or less told exactly how my pregnancy and birth would proceed… except it wasn’t what I was planning at all.
Would you have a homebirth in someone else’s home?
My husband and I might move two hours away into a midwife-free-zone before our baby is born — should we give birth in a kind-of friend’s house?
Meet Otis Kryzanauskas, Canada’s only male registered midwife
Otis Kryzanauskas is cool for two reasons, and one of them is that killer last name. The second? He just became Canada’s only registered MALE midwife.
I found beauty in the premature delivery of our daughter
I knew I was pregnant with Toga before I should have known I was pregnant. I hadn’t missed a period — in fact it had only been a week since conception. Life with a military man had its perks when it came to knowing the exact date of conception — but I KNEW. I dreamed about her, my beautiful blonde haired baby.
How my son’s teething reminds me of his birth
The poor little guy was in agony and couldn’t quite figure out what in the world was happening inside his mouth. My heart broke a little as his eyes pleaded with me to fix it Mama. So I scooped him up in my arms and spent much of the day rocking him and stroking his head. As I rocked him I thought back to the day he was born — it was the greatest and scariest day of my life.