Let’s talk about what you’re reading right now + my favorite recent grown-up reads
Depending on where you live it’s likely your kids are either already back in school or headed back soon — possibly leaving you with a bit of free time that would usually be spent organizing the house or shepherding everyone from one evening summer event to another. I know we tried having an Offbeat Families Book Club last year to varied degrees of success, so we don’t have to go that route — but I’d love to know what you guys are reading nowadays!
Here’s a list of all the stuff pregnancy books won’t tell you
Recently several newly pregnant friends have asked me if I had any advice for them, which has given me occasion to think over all the things that have kept my partner and me going throughout my pregnancy and our first nine months of parenting. While pregnant, I read as many pregnancy and parenting books as I could get my hands on, and learned a lot, both about what I wanted to do and what I didn’t want to do.
Where can I find kids’ books that feature children with disabilities?
My two-and-a-half-year-old was born prematurely and currently has a few different disabilities and setbacks that we’re working with. I’m always on the lookout for children’s books that prominently and positively feature children with disabilities. Unfortunately, it seems like I can ONLY find them at hospitals — and we can’t take those home with us.
My summer reading list: three books about America, and one about bridesicles
Ever since I figured out last year that no screentime for an hour before bed made it waaaay easier for me to fall asleep, I have been on a reading BINGE. Mostly fiction, mostly fun, and mostly AWESOME. This summer in particular I’ve been on a roll with some really great books, and figured I’d circle up with y’all to compare notes.
Oddly, three of the four books I’ve read recently have had “America” in the title, so evidently I’m on a patriotic theme. Come with me?
On refusing to let your kids take over your life
I want my daughter to see that I am happy with my life now. I want her to understand on a fundamental level that she deserves happiness, too. And, I want her to be able to handle life’s obstacles as a confident and capable individual… Preferably one who doesn’t grow up to live in my basement.
Let’s talk about awesome literature for elementary school-aged kids
My nephews will be turning eight in just a few short weeks, and they’ve been asking for chapter books for their birthday. Since I haven’t been eight in a while my brain is a little fuzzy — does anyone have suggestions for interesting books for the age range? Book series get bonus points!
10 literary classics you can totally read in a week or less
Now that the cold weather is here in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere, many of you are flocking to week-long resorts in tropical destinations. Lots of you read on the beach — there’s even a sub-genre called “beach reads.” If you’re thinking about what to bring and you’ve been shying away from the “literature” or “classics” sections of your bookstore, fear not: this English literature graduate has some great classics you can polish off quickly while soaking in the sunshine.
Little Free Libraries: Restore your faith in humanity, one book at a time
I’m totally falling in love with the Little Free Libraries. The idea is so simple, it actually works: take a book, return a book. It’s cute, it’s clever. It brings a community together, it promotes literacy. Here’s how they work…