I know y’all love some good fantasy real estate. So while this isn’t something you can buy (not that most of it is!), it IS something we all can ogle with glee. If you happen to find yourself in Wierschem, Germany add Eltz Castle (Burg Eltz) to your list to step right back in time.
According to Atlas Obscura, Eltz Castle is one of only three castles in the region left intact, and looks just like it did 33 generations ago in the 12th century. Platteltz, one of the keeps, is the oldest part of the castle, begun in the 9th century. By 1157, the fortress was an part of the empire under Frederick Barbarossa (One of my fave leaders in Civ 5!).
If you’re planning that epic European backpacking trip, check this one out to see if it’s right for your itinerary. Then send us some pics!

h/t Atlas Obscura
This is a rebuilding: https://www.selestat-haut-koenigsbourg.com/en/emerveiller/chateau-du-haut-koenigsbourg.htm
This is historically interesting. https://www.wartburg.de/en/
I think those are the big ones.
And Neu Schwanstein, if you really like madness.
I grew up near Burg Eltz! I remember going there on school trips on countless occasions, as well as weekend outings with my family. I never appreciated the beauty of the surroundings as a child, but the area sure has some stunning landscapes. While not many of the castles are perfectly preserved, as you say, there are a *lot* of castle ruins along the Mosel river, though, that are still absolutely worth a visit as well. It’s also a wine producing area (overwhelmingly white wines), so it’s got that going for it as well if you’re into wine.
Lena mentions Wartburg, which is in a different part of Germany (maybe about a 4 hour drive from the Mosel region?), but which is totally worth a visit as well if you’re into castles and history in general. I believe it’s where Martin Luther translated the bible into German. Plus it’s right by the town of Eisenach, where Johann Sebastian Bach was born. Lots of medieval/ musical/ architectural heritage there! I last visited both Burg Eltz and Eisenach and the Wartburg in 2014, so it’s kind of funny to see them both mentioned in the same article/comment thread in an Offbeat Home article. 🙂
We went to Burg Eltz on our honeymoon! It’s incredible, one of my favorite places I’ve ever been. If I recall correctly, you are not allowed to take photographs inside the castle. Alas.
There are two ways to get there, you can drive all the way up, or hike in. If your able, I recommend hiking in- it’s pretty sweet to be able to walk to a castle.