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I’ve got a parenting question!

How do you decide when to tell your kid about your personality disorder(s)?

My fiance and I are planning on having children in the near future. He has ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Dissociative Identity Disorder — multiple personalities if you will. Right now, it’s just me, him, and my sister who know. We’re wondering: how do we tell our future kids?

Do you take parenting advice from non-parents seriously?

I don’t have any kids of my own, but I have been a full time nanny for children ranging from newborn to 15 years old throughout the years. My friends have just started having children of their own, and the pleas for advice on Facebook seem endless. I feel that I have a lot of experience dealing with many common situations that arise during parenting but I am not actually a parent — so does that make me unqualified to give any advice?

Any tips for feeding, sleeping, and caring for children born only a year apart?

My daughter is six-months-old, and I recently found out I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Most days it feels like I am just keeping up with my little girl, and she is barely crawling. She is going to be toddling around when I have a newborn — I am looking at the future wondering how and the heck I can cope with two little ones.

Ignore the “Mommy Wars” and stand up for one another

Wendy Atterberry, author of Dear Wendy, recently addressed the firestorm of debate surrounding Representative Todd Akin’s comments about rape. In this piece Atterberry also makes several pointed references to the so-called “Mommy Wars.” It’s worth noting that we vowed to never even type the phrase “Mommy Wars” on Offbeat Mama, but this is good.

What are secular baby blessing ceremonies like?

I have heard about secular baby blessings a long time ago, and have always wanted to do one. as anyone had any experience with baby blessing ceremonies?

Mommy, why do the girl superhero costumes have skirts?

Avital, author of the blog The Mamafesto (among many other things!), had a conversation with her five-year-old son yesterday without even meaning to. They had just arrived back home after a family trip and had a stack of Halloween costume catalogs waiting for them. Her son started flipping through the pages and then made a surprising discovery that he had a lot of questions about.

Mother of Transgender toddler gets a lesson in love

In some ways, and to many observers, my child’s transition seemed to have happened overnight. But Izzy has always been a boy dressed like a girl.

What do you do when your kid says a specific family member is her favorite?

I don’t expect my kids to like all of their family members the same, but I don’t want them having secret “don’t tell her I like you the most!” talks. Does anyone have a good diplomatic response when kids say one family member is their favorite?