My friend just had an abortion — how do I tell her I’m pregnant without re-opening fresh wounds?
Last month, one of my best friends shared with our group of friends that she had an abortion. I was one of the few who supported her choice outright and stood up for her. During this same time, my husband and I started trying to conceive. We’ve just found out that we are already pregnant! How do I tell my best friend I’m pregnant, while still affirming that I support her and her decision to end her pregnancy?
What did you research while trying to conceive?
My husband and I are planning on trying to conceive in the next three to four months. I originally thought that I was a crazy person for wanting to go ahead and do some planning for care providers and such now, but I am quickly learning that I am not a crazy person (at least not because of that), and that it’s quite normal.
What I’d LOVE to know, is what you all did/planned/researched before you conceived — a timeline with to-dos for each month would really help me out!
How do you celebrate your kid’s birthdays together when divorced grandparents don’t get along?
I’m the product of divorced parents who are happily remarried, but that don’t get along well with one another. Now that my husband and I have brought our three families’ first grandbaby in the world, I’m wondering how we’re going to handle birthdays and other celebrations when two sets of grandparents don’t jive.
I’m an accidental stay-at-home mom, and I want to hear your success stories
I think I’m going to be an accidental stay at home mom! I would really like to hear any tips from offbeat stay at home parents about making it through the day without losing your (highly educated, formerly highly valued) mind. Most of what I seem to be able to find online doesn’t resonate with me as full time parenting isn’t necessarily my calling. I’m struggling with the monotony of cooking, cleaning, crafts, walks, library etc, and I’ve only been at it for four months!
My husband is transitioning from male to female: how do we prepare our kids?
My husband recently surprised me with a sudden and incredibly unexpected truth that he has been carrying with him for a long time: he wants to be a woman. I am still in a bit of shock, but I’m coping. I’m reaching out to my online offbeat family. How do we transition our kids throughout their father’s MTF transition?
What happens if you move to another country while pregnant?
My husband and I had THE TALK a couple nights ago, and came to the realization that this year is THE YEAR: we’re going to try this baby-making thing! But there is a kicker, and it’s not a little one — we have a move to Europe in the works this Fall for his studies.
What are the ethics of naming your child — can you use someone else’s baby’s name?
As days went by, I couldn’t stop smiling and giggling when I thought of the name — I know it’s meant for my baby, and my husband feels the same. Except… I feel guilty about the idea of “stealing” this beautiful name.
I am breastfeeding a two-year-old and it’s not gross (I promise)
The other day I was hanging out with my friend and her four-year-old daughter. My son, the aforementioned two-year-old, at some point asked to breastfeed. I’m trying to cut down on nursing him in public, but he’d just spent his first night away from me, so I figured I could make an exception. I helped him up onto my lap, pulled down my shirt, and let my kid do his thing.