Use a notebook and a pencil to keep your car running smoothly
Left to my own devices, I’m not the best at keeping up with regular car maintenance. Since most automotive repairs are timed in mileage, it’s easy to let a deadline zoom right past. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has a mental alarm that goes off when I hit 3,000 miles, so I’m going to share my Baskets! system for keeping my car on the road.
No power in the ‘verse can stop my love for this Firefly-themed love note
First, our super-crafty Homie “dull-roar” shared with us her spooky Halloween crochet project, now she shared with us her hand-made Valentine a la Firefly.
Fancy up your closet with mustache-shaped hangers
Hangers are so freaking boring, and they’re something I have to mess about with on the daily. Why not jazz up my closet space with a funky hangers? And mustaches make a great shape as your clothes won’t go slipping off these guys, what with the curled up ends!
Hang powerstrips under your desk to keep away the dust bunnies & real bunnies
Thanks to The Storage Geek for highlighting this great idea from Martha Stewart.
From Ye Olde Shack to luxurious Bohemian Bed Den
Remember when Naomi asked for your help in re-decorating her boring ‘ol bed nook? You’d hardly recognize it now! Homies, you give some good advice. Check out what you inspired…
Childhood Home loss: how can I help make it better?
My fiance and I just moved into our own apartment and I am elated. We have, in our almost seven years together, never had our own place before. But my fiance is having a hard time dealing with the move, as the house we just moved out of was the one he was literally born in. Can anyone help with suggestions of how to make him feel welcome and happy in our new home, and not feel like he just lost his entire childhood?
What are your life hacks for drinking more water?
I have a problem: I don’t like the taste of water, but I know I need it… you know… to survive as a human being on the planet Earth. So I finally came up with a few life hacks in order to trick myself into consuming more water. Here are a few of my tricks, then I want to hear yours.
Make decorative hearts out of LEGO for your geeky Valentine’s Day
Have a geeky Valentine’s Day with these LEGO hearts.