How to throw a Bill Murray party

Guest post by Matt Key

If you follow Offbeat Home on facebook, you may have heard our editor Megan was creating a costume for a Bill Murray-themed birthday party. Many of you asked to learn more about this party theme. So we asked the birthday boy himself to let you in on the secrets to throwing a kick-ass Bill Murray party…

How many Bill Murray references can you identify in this photo?
How many Bill Murray references can you identify in this photo?

A couple years ago, when I turned 33, I decided it was time to do something special for myself. So, like any adult my age, I decided to throw a birthday party. But it couldn’t be just any party, it had to be special. Grand. An ambitious, resplendent monument to all parties.

So I threw a party themed after my own personal savior: Bill Murray.

But, how exactly do you throw a Bill Murray-themed birthday party?

First things first, it helps to have an epic girlfriend that loves throwing parties, so much, that she plans this one two months in advance. (If you don’t have an epic girlfriend, an epic boyfriend could work equally as well.)

She took care of the music:

Brittany at two in the morning, editing an incredible seven hour mashup playlist.
Brittany at two in the morning, editing an incredible seven hour mashup playlist.

And the decorations:

With decorations up and music pumping, you fill your space with alcohol. We created several themed drink choices for the night. My favorite was the Spiced Rum and Midori concoction, “The Ectocooler.”

Brittany as Slimer, passing around ectocoolers.
Brittany as Slimer, passing around ectocoolers.

Other drinks included: the “Suntory Time,” the “Death Therapy,” and the “Raleigh St. Clair.”


With enough Ectocoolers and Death Therapy’s running through the guests, our karaoke stage was on fire, with everyone from Cheeseburger Cheeseburger Murray


…to a full host of Ghostbusters singing Bill Murray’s Lounge Singer Star Wars song.


And then, it’s time for cake.

But this is Bill Murray we’re talking about. It can’t be just ANY cake. It’s got to be a cake with a New York skyline, upturned traffic, and a full complement of ghost-busting Ghostbusters battling an enraged, red hot Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from a roof top.


And, as we all know, cake cannot exist in a vacuum; you need alcohol to wash it down. So I led everyone in a round of Ectocoolers to our lord and master, Bill Murray.


After that, you regale your revelers with the 18.5 minute true-life story of how you’ve actually met the manmythlegend.

Matt telling his true-life Bill Murray story.
Matt telling his true-life Bill Murray story.

Three more suggestions:

1. Invite your groundskeeper and his explosive gophers to keep out any unwanted guests…

2. Have some bodyguards standing by to keep the party safe.

3. And, an absolute must is a line of lovely ladies representing the full spectrum of quality ghostbusting that Bill Murray offers.

It also certainly doesn’t hurt to have a friend that can build you a proton pack in a week. (Also, with said friend’s special set of skills, it most likely worked.)


Finally, when you throw this same party a couple years later for your 35th birthday (which happens to be this Saturday!), you pray that the mythological Murray himself shows up.

Related nerd party posts:

Megan is dressing as Fantastic Mr Fox and going to the party with a buddy who will be dressed as Bill Murray’s badger character. What Bill Murray, or character from one of his movies, would YOU be?

Comments on How to throw a Bill Murray party

  1. I have two — no wait — three things to say:

    1. I’m SO beyond stoked about going to the second annual Bill Murray party this weekend.

    2. I can’t wait to share my Mr Fox costume with you. But in the meantime, look at this adorable badger hat!

    3. Seriously, does anyone know Mr Murray? Because he’s totally invited. The only thing better than a bunch of fake Bill Murrays at your party is one real Bill Murray at your party. 😉

  2. A….Mazing!! This is so fun love the attention to detail.

    I googled our wedding date and found out it was Bill birthday the same day so he got a mention in our order of the day. 😉

  3. I did a proper double take there. “That looks like Grant Imahara…..IT IS GRANT IMAHARA!!!”

    And there I was, just a few weeks ago thinking how cool a Mythbusters themed kids party would be – I just need some kids really!

  4. Hmm… I’d have to go with Phil Connors of Groundhog Day, or one of his characters from various Wes Anderson films (preferably Steve Zissou). Alternately the Scarlett Johansson character from Lost in Translation if I didn’t feel like messing around with a beard or tie.

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