Silk wrap skirts, for when you can’t be bothered by maternity jeans

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Is it too nerdy to say I'm enwraptured?
Is it too nerdy to say I'm enwraptured?
So there I was, lamenting the sad state of maternity pants in the world when one of the good mamas from the Twitter universe chimed in with a great idea: Forgo pants altogether.

Who needs pants? Pants are awkwardly sized, too short, and a general nuisance. Dispense with them altogether and wear pretty, flowy skirts!

Twitter mama @nicolahh directed me to Enwrapture Vintage and I’ve been fiendishly clicking through their wares ever since. Unfortunately, the weather here will be freezing cold by the time I’m relegated to maternity pants only, but should I ever be huge and preggers in the summer I know exactly where to look.

Comments on Silk wrap skirts, for when you can’t be bothered by maternity jeans

  1. This makes me very happy! As someone hoping to become pregnant soon, I've an eye out for fun maternity options. I recently purchased a jersey Chameleon dress which will grow with me so to speak. I kind of want an entire jersey wardrobe!

    Beautiful clothing! I too am enwraptured. 😛

  2. I went through the worst of my pregnancy in FL in one of the hottest summers we've had in years. I have a few of these (they sell them at the beach grocery stores here) and I couldn't live with out them. I wore them everywhere because there was no way I was getting into horrible pregnant jeans in 103 degree weather.

    They are super easy, and though the website says hand wash I just chuck mine in a mesh bag and pop it in the wash and its no worse for it.

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