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video games

My six-year-old is totally a gamer

My daughter is six years old and she’s a gamer. Right now she is a level 22 wood elf in Skyrim. She smiths, making her own steel armor to match Lydia, her house carl, and prefers one-handed weapons and magic along with a dwarven bow. She’s part of the Thieves Guild, a Companion, a Werewolf and the Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold. Basically, she owns that shit.

A New Zealand dorm gets invaded

It was always one of my boyfriend’s dreams to be an RA. He signed up this year and the first years move in this weekend, so we got to decorating.

Floor themes used to only consist of RA’s sticking up printed posters on doors, but, as it was a competition we decided to lift the game 500%. Hope the kids like it!

Turning five is all the sweeter with a homemade Ms. Pac-Man cake

When my friend invited us to her daughter’s fifth birthday and I found out that it was partially Ms. Pac-Man-themed I soon thereafter asked if I could snap a few shots of the day. The birthday was held at a local pizza shop, which was awesome for the kids and adults in attendance — kids snacked on pizza and adults had coffee and beer. Birthday party win!

For the gamers: five great Nintendo DS games for kids

As an avid gamer I often find myself wandering the video game section and observing the myriad of parents attempting to choose a video game for their child. More often than not the parents choose a totally age inappropriate game (Resident Evil for a six year old?) or a game that is just plain bad. I understand that not everyone enjoys video games and that the sheer number of available games can be overwhelming so here is a list of five amazing, fun and educational (!!!) Nintendo DS games for kids that their parents might enjoy as well.

How playing a Star Wars video game helped my parenting skills

There is no “reload” button on life, no restarting quests if you screw up a step, no taking back what you said if you’ve said it and realized the outcome was less than desirable. But you do get to do all of that in video games! I admit, I take advantage of the luxury in video game just to satisfy my curiosity on the possible outcomes. Sometimes the answers are really obvious, but there are some situations that require much thought (and system saving) before venturing forth on a decision.

Scott Pilgrim cross-stitch: I’m in lesbians with you!

I just finished my partner’s Valentine’s Day gift and, well, it’s pretty nerdtastic. I thought it would be a good share for anyone who’s a fan of One of his favorite movies of all time is Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

Your next vacation is to China’s World of Warcraft theme park

Gamers, start saving now: China has opened a completely unauthorized Starcraft and World of Warcraft-ripping theme park, and we have the photos. Photos of night elf ladies and Protoss roller coasters.

Have old Nintendo games? Make them into a fancy geek urinal

Does anyone have a urinal in their home? I’d imagine some of you have bidets — if not, here’s a legit excuse to make an upgrade in your bathroom. How to Build a Video Game Urinal from