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vertical gardens

The most amazing desk I’ve ever seen looks like the Little Mermaid’s work station

While walking home from brunch, my friend Drew (of wheat allergy questions fame) and I stumbled upon a nursery that I’ve always wanted to explore. So we took a detour and started wandering amongst the funky plants and trees for sale. Then we stumbled upon the coolest desk I’ve ever seen…

DIYing a vertical pumpkin patch in our tiny urban backyard

With urban living comes many advantages. Jules and I both walk or ride our bikes to work, we are a few minutes walk from a zoo, there countless numbers of cafes, restaurants, bars, playgrounds, etc. within walking distance. But there are also some disadvantages. Real-estate is a valuable commodity where we live and there aren’t many lots that would accommodate the size garden we wish we could have so we have to get creative.

Hang your herb garden in front of your window

I’m fluctuating between giddy and jealous over this amazing hanging herb garden submitted to our Flickr pool by Homie Pennyhaslop. I’m giddy because I’m stoked to share it with you. But I’m jealous because I WANT ONE!

Make a hanging garden of jam jars

Love it. Rope + soil + clean jars and some succulents, and you have a hanging garden.

This would work super well with herbs, too, or small flowers like violets!

Windowfarm: how I built a self-watering vertical garden

I’m using my big windows to power a hydroponic garden I hacked together with plastic bottles and a few supplies from Amazon. It is automated, and takes care of the hard stuff for me.

A home hearth, a colorful living room YAHOO!, and lots of Trekkie goodness in this week’s reader photos

Start your week with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. This week: see LEGO portraits, and the USS Enterprise is in trouble! In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on — and help you start your gardens.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

A double shot of how-tos on hanging gardens

Hanging gardens are SO SO hot right now — and why not? They’re easy, gorgeous, and fit in even the smallest homes. We’ve covered one version of a hanging garden — now you can add two more to your knowledge base.

Make a hanging garden and turn your outdoor space into a fairyland

I cannot tell you what a crush I have on these hanging plants. They look magical and otherworldy, like something you would find if you stumbled upon a pixie’s bedroom in the woods or happened upon the backyard of a really cute Martian.

I finally took the plunge and made them myself, using two beautiful methods.