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The best spooky podcasts to fall asleep to

I love listening to ghost stories, stories of weird disappearances, and other unexplained phenomena. And I especially love listening to spooky podcasts while I drift off to sleep. But it can’t be ANY podcast, I have rules…

Bob Ross Calm App: This meditation app is using Bob Ross magic to lull you to sleep

This meditation app is using Bob Ross magic to lull you to sleep

If you’re a fan of meditation/relaxation apps like Headspace and Meditation Studio, and ALSO a fan of the dulcet voice of Bob Ross, you’re in luck. The meditation and sleep app Calm is introducing PBS fave Bob Ross’ voice as part of its Sleep Stories, using the audio from his super relaxing painting episodes to lull you into repose.

When baby sleeping techniques fail, will our marriage survive?

I don’t know what I expected regarding sleep with a baby, but it certainly wasn’t that he’d be waking up every hour to two hours at night at six months old, having done this for several months.

We fully intended to follow the National Health Service‘s guidelines on reducing SIDS — keeping him in our room until six months old before moving him into the nursery down the hall. Because of course, by that point he’d be sleeping through that night.

Surprisingly, that isn’t where we are now. And I had given little thought to our relationship would cope in this situation.

How to survive your “sleep on that third shift” life

My husband is a brewer, and he’s worked third shift for a handful of years now. It was so rough, at first! Whenever sleep times are messed with, it’s difficult. But getting used to a completely opposite sleep schedule is a nightmare. He was exhausted and crabby, and I knew he couldn’t go on this way forever. So, I did some thinking and came up with ways to help him, which could also help YOU with your third shift life…

The unexpected way insomnia causes political tensions

We talked about political tensions causing insomnia, but it can also work the other way around, insomnia causing political tensions, and back again in a vicious circle.

At last autumn’s Psiber Dreaming Conference, a major dream researcher said that most people don’t even know that there’s a dream deprivation epidemic in this country, or that it has terrible consequences…

Sleep hygiene: protecting your sleep and your sanity during an information war

A friend mentioned that in order to combat her news-triggered anxiety, she was focusing on creating nighttime and morning routines to help protect her time in bed as precious and not to be fucked with. Basically, she’s making rituals to protect the sacred space of FUCKING SLEEPING.

This is what’s known as “sleep hygiene,” and of course it’s important all the time… but maybe extra important during times like these, when the cultural anxiety is through the roof. You can’t get shit done if you’re exhausted. Sleep is crucial.

How can light and heavy sleepers share a bed?

Springless mattresses? White noise machines? Pillow barriers?

What are your sleeping hacks for light and heavy sleep arrangements?

Help! My cat won’t stop waking me up stupid EARLY

I have had my cat, Maya, for five years, and I love her to pieces… 23 hours a day. That other hour, though, I want to chuck her across my bedroom and accompany her flight with a loud string of expletives. She used to wake me up around six for breakfast which was fine. But now she starts at 5, or 3, or 1 effing 30 in the morning, picking at whatever might be lying around, and singing the song of her people.