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Use tube-free toilet paper to cut down on waste

If you are like me, throwing the cardboard tubes in with the bathroom trash is not an option because they go into the recycle bin. So a line of empty tubes line up on my windowsill, and it’s just not pretty. We switched to the tube-free kind of toilet paper, and that problem disappeared.

My cat is a litter tracker: what boxes & litter can help us contain his mess?

My wife and I are turning our only large closet into a nursery, which means the cat box needs to go somewhere else. The problem: one of our cats is a MAJOR litter tracker. Not just a tracker — he makes an Olympic sport out of digging in the litter box. What kind of boxes/litter to do you all use to contain the mess?

Family cloth: would you go toilet paper-free?

We’ve talked about all sorts of eco-friendly home hacks, but let’s try the final frontier of reusable toiletries: FAMILY CLOTH. The concept is pretty straight-forward: rather than wipe your butt with paper that you then wad up and flush into the septic system, you use small squares of soft fabric that you then wash and reuse.

No more toilet paper, ever. Wait, EVER!?

My cat shits outside, how about yours?

I had a plan, and it was to get my cat to go to the bathroom outside. (My “outside” means our tiny balcony off of our living room.) This has LONG been a goal, but was only just accomplished with the help of a few key products and some training.

Make your bathroom smell less like poop

Bathrooms: you poop in them, and so sometimes they smell like poop. There are a few common sense ways to make your bathroom stink less after its gotten a fecal workout. Stop snickering for a couple seconds, and let’s talk about it.