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What's the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

What’s the protocol for family photos with future in-laws?

I’ve been dating my partner for about two and a half years and we’re definitely on the road to marriage. He’s very close with his family and they are currently planning some family photos with my partner’s immediate family and his brother’s family (wife and kids). Since we’re not married, it feels weird to be part of their family’s photos, especially when I haven’t met them that many times (they live in another state).

Is it cool to have them take the photos without me? Is that even something you could safely suggest or should I just shut up and get in the picture?

Biking to work: How to avoid being stinky when you don’t have a shower

I live about six miles from work and I really really want to bike. I mean, it wouldn’t take much longer to bike than it would to drive that distance. The trouble is that there is no shower at my office — so I would have to work stinky all day… and that’s not really going to fly. Does anybody have no-shower solutions, post-biking to work?

Winter cycling gear 2: Keep pedaling through the winter with these items

Last week we talked about what to put on your body when you ride during the winter months. Now let’s talk about what to put on your ride! A great way to get recommendations on gear is to talk to the folks at your Local Bike Shop (LBS), ask whether they have experience commuting through the winter, and if so, what sorts of things they like. Here are the pieces of gear my husband and I use to do our winter riding…

Commuting by bike: Urban utopia not required

I’m here to give you some good news: you — yes, you — can reduce your carbon footprint, improve your physical and mental health, save money, and have loads of fun by commuting by bike. If you don’t live in an awesome, urban wonderland where biking is the norm, I’m right there with you. But it’s still possible, here’s how…

Becoming a more mindful driver through physics

When I’m on the highway and traffic slows to a crawl, then after a stretch speeds up again and I can’t find an explanation, I shout “Why did we spend the last three miles going 10MPH? Did everyone lose their minds for a moment; is it a plot? Why is this happening to me?” It’s not pretty to watch, and it’s not fun to live through. The other day I read the article, “The Physics Behind Traffic Jams” and it blew my mind. The advice was pretty simple, and the article really helped me think differently about myself as a driver. Here’s what I learned…

How do you stay awake on a long drive?

I’m about to embark on a weekend-long road trip. I’ll be driving, by myself, for 12 hours both there and back. I’ve made the trip before and it sucked, but at least my radio/CD player worked. Now it’s busted, and I’m worried about getting tired on the road.

Do you wish you had kept your car — or does car-less life ROCK?

People who have owned a car, but decided to get rid of it: what was the transition like? What do you do if you have an emergency or need to run to the store in the middle of the night? How do you haul large stuff around? And most importantly: do you regret the decision… or do you love it?

What you need to know about safe urban biking — and general effective bike use

Many people (including me) are initially intimidated by biking through city traffic. Urban biking can be safe when done right. I can help you make your bike commute safer, smoother, and faster. Let’s ride!