Category Archive


“Toned-down Ned Flanders”: Hosting travelers who’ll want to come back

I’ve stayed at a bunch of places through CouchSurfing and AirBnB and I think I have a few ideas on how to make my guests leave glowing reviews (and send more guests your way!). You can call my strategy Toned-Down Ned Flanders: there’s an episode of The Simpsons where Ned lets the Simpsons borrow his beach house for the weekend. He leaves a note on every square inch of the cabin explaining how to use each thing (like “Put food in me” on the fridge). Don’t go to these lengths or risk being made fun of mercilessly on the internet, but DO share more information than you think you might have to.

Shop eccentric houses through AirBNB

Husband and I have been happily hosting AirBNB guests for six months now, and it’s an amazing place to find unusual housing types you might want to try out!