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Privilege & bigotry: how I'm owning it and un-learning false narratives

Privilege & bigotry: how I’m owning it and un-learning false narratives

I am a white male from a small village in North Wales, UK. I married a white American female. I am a step-parent of a young child with whom I get along very well; we are a very close family who always strives to support each other unconditionally in any way possible. I was born within the NHS (National Health Service) and was raised to respect everyone and treat people equally. I have been blessed to have many opportunities in life that others have not had. Here’s how I’m acknowledging my privilege and bigotry and making sure I’m striving to use these privileges to be a voice of reason to those who may not understand or have the same privileges as myself.

Social justice art

Art with a cause: political art to strengthen your space

A whole bunch of us are embracing the idea that it’s time to stop being silent about the politics and causes for which we care deeply, especially when it comes to affecting change among our own small communities. This means we’re getting less shy about advocating for our causes publically, including in our own homes. I’ve compiled a big set of art prints and decor that you can use to celebrate and share your strong feels about our current world.

Don't know what to do next? Here's what you can do to fight white supremacy

Don’t know what to do next? Here’s what you can do to fight white supremacy

With the events in Charlottesville this past weekend, we’re hearing many white people expressing the sentiment that this is not the real America and that they are shocked this could all be going down in 2017. The reality is that this absolutely IS the real America and has been since its inception. If you’re a white person, it is up to you to carry the burden of fighting back.

If you’re feeling helpless and don’t know what to do next (like I certainly did), here are some things you can do to fight white supremacy and Nazis in America and beyond…

Why does my neighbor get a say over who is eligible to be my valid life partner?

Aly and her partner, Elroi, live in North Carolina with their two sons. North Carolina is getting ready to vote on whether or not Aly and Elroi’s marriage, and the marriages of so many other families, are valid.

In case you forget: the rest of the world keeps on going even after you have a kid

My husband and I were THOSE super-liberal kids: we brazenly (and somewhat immaturely) ranted and raved about The State of The World, felt smug about the fact that we only watched independent media, and derided anyone who didn’t agree that of course social programs should be available for anyone who needs them, and of course the food we eat is loaded up with a thousand things that are killing us, and of course we were right. About everything.

What you can do to help get midwives licensed in Alabama even if you don’t live anywhere near it

The Alabama Birth Coalition is an organization that’s working hard to change this. It’s completely volunteer-based, totally grassroots-driven, and one of the coolest collective of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of being around. I recently interviewed Hannah Ellis about her work with the Alabama Birth Coalition and what you can do to help — even if you don’t live anywhere near Alabama.

My daughter inspired me to become an activist

I come from a conservative and religious-minded family and spent the last five years exploring other political and economic models and ideas, coming to embrace a perspective melding socialism and humanism. My internal idea of who I am and what I believe clashes with a somewhat quieter, perhaps even frightened, public persona.