Good Vibrations storage unit makes your bedroom look like it’s got a glitch

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Photo from i09.
Photo from i09.

Do not attempt to reload your bedroom. This is a hand-carved storage unit from Ferruccio Laviani made to look like your bedroom.gif is experiencing a glitch.


Comments on Good Vibrations storage unit makes your bedroom look like it’s got a glitch

  1. It is an amazing piece, the skill involved in creating something like this boggles my mind. My husband is a computer tech and this would send his OCD senses into over load, he would not be able to stay in the same room with it.

  2. It’s amazing how hard it is to grasp that it’s real and not just skim on by/let your brain reassemble it the way it “should” look. Shows you how used to looking at messed up internet crap I am, haha.

  3. Oh my gosh, I’m half “That’s really cool!” and half “I would so barf from looking at that if I was ever already nauseated/hung-over D:”

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