Category Archive

My favorite things

We like raindrops on roses too, but sometimes we get materialistic. Sometimes it’s just about writing odes to our favorite stuff.

Pendleton blankets and goodies for classy rainbow-y style

I just discovered that you can get all sorts of Pendleton goodies on Amazon! I have a bit of an obsession with Pendleton patterns. And our fearless leader, Ariel, has one particular obsession with her very own Pendleton blanket. She recently gushed to me about it…

Two really important words: GLITTER GROUT

Two words. Two really important words: GLITTER GROUT. Seems like you can get them as an additive or pre-made grout. And, in my heart I feel it could range from ’70s dream kitchen to mermaid bathroom, from a unicorn-themed mosaic table, to a TARDIS blue and sparkly starlight grout-ed garden path…

Stop everything and look at this unicorn dog sweater!

You have no idea how much it pleases me to interrupt your day to bring you this Very Important Dog Sweater News: Uncommon Goods (one of my favorite shopping sites) has… right now… in stock… this Unicorn Pet Sweater… complete with a rainbow horn… for your dog… and just in time for Halloween.

Vintage-style jewelry that would make even Daisy Buchanan jealous

If you’re a lover of vintage-style jewelry and are looking to expand your collection with some seriously affordable options, have I got a killer batch to make even Gatsby bust a load. We’re talking vintage-style brooches, teardrop pearl earrings, black enamel necklaces, and so much ornate style, you’ll go wild.

Let’s go shopping!

Toto Washlet: My Japanese butt-washing robot toiletseat

A Toto Washlet is essentially an electrical toilet seat that washes your butt with a little wand. It connects to a power supply (via a three-prong outlet) and your water supply (via a small hose), and then you press buttons to make it do its thing. Here’s what it’s like…

4 reasons this drunken unicorn wine holder wins the internet today

I don’t know what the best thing about this wine holder is… That Offbeat Homie Amanda sent it to me in an email that said “Just, this.” Or maybe it’s the epic name. Or maybe it’s the amazing reviews. What do you think?

Think Fool: The April Fool’s Day tradition that doesn’t suck

It’s that time of year again: April Fools! That means it’s the day that Think Geek unveils all manner of craze-mazing products that make our minds spin and our wallets want to bleed imaginary cash. April Fool’s day went from my second most-loathed holiday (Valentine’s Day is first place) to one of my favorite days of the year because of this geeky product madness…

Coloring books for grown-ass adults

I’m crappy at every craft ever, but coloring… dudes, I’m awesome at that AND it’s something I can do while I have a glass (bottle?) of wine. And then I stumbled upon the world of adult coloring books. Check these guys out…