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Living in an off-season rental kicks ass!

I grew up in landlocked Tennessee and never even knew seasonal communities existed. My husband on the other hand, having lived on a few different islands, quickly brought me up to speed: vacation hot spots aren’t so hot when the temperature drops. This means for a little more than half of the year, us folks of modest means can live the high life. Before you go running for the coast though, here are a few things to consider…

How do you weather/bug proof a rental apartment?

My husband and I live in an apartment that we love, except for the bug problem. We have a large gap in our door where they keep coming in. I’ve done some research about sealing the gaps, but it all seems geared to people who own their home. Any advice for bug and weather proofing for the renting Homies?

6 ways to pimp your tiny rental kitchen

Our kitchen is teensy. I can pretty much touch both walls ay once, in both directions. I love to cook and bake, so it was important to me that even though the kitchen was small, it worked well and held everything I need at arm’s reach without chaos in every cupboard.
We’re renters, so while I could write a million posts about things I’d do in this kitchen if I owned it (pot rack, wall mounted lid racks, more sensibly proportion cabinets, extra shelving… etc), here are some ideas that anyone can do — whether you own your house or not.

Should we trust apartment review sites?

y fiance and I are going to be moving soon, and have started apartment hunting. We have a definite budget for rent, so that means we’re looking at cheaper complexes.

We have found several places that we can afford, and everything seems decent enough, but the online reviews for these places are all very disappointing.

I’m wondering how seriously I should take these reviews — can I trust apartment review sites?

Renting: Adventures in Lighting

When looking at places to live, there are certain things that just don’t cross your mind. I never realized how important lighting was until I started to rent. Apparently, I need a lot of light to function. Or, rather, I like having the option of a lot of light.

I grew up with a lot of light, I guess, so I didn’t know I had this need until I got my first apartment. Now I know what I need to look for to be well-lit and happy.

Non-permanant home security system for apartment-dwellers

I had one of those spooky nights last week — one where I had too many scary thoughts and every noise was a serial killer or a monster coming for me.

Irrational fears aside, it made me realize I haven’t taken any security precautions in my flat. I’ve lived here for a while, but whatever I do still needs to be non-permanent.

What can I do to keep my mind calm and my body safe?

I need to winter-proof my rental — are tapestries my only hope?

I’m wondering if there are any clever winter-proofing things I can do — I have visions in my head of castle-style wall tapestries in the bedroom to warm the freezing cold wall behind my back. Plausible?

Change the color of your cabinets without pissing off your landlord

I kind of hate wood. I’m one of those terrible, sinful people that will paint old wood furniture aqua, yellow, or antique white rather than treat it properly. I don’t whisper sweet nothings to my wood furniture and seductively offer to apply another coat of stain to it. I mostly just paint it and eventually forget that it ever had a lovely cherry finish.

This led to a small problem in my apartment. No matter what I tried… I HATED those damn cabinets. Until I found this solution.