Convos with my 2-year-old: parent-child conversations re-enacted with another adult

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In real life, the dude in blue is a two-year-old girl.

If you guys are looking for a laugh, get pumped because I found it for you: on Tuesday Warmland Films released the first installment of Convos With My 2 Year Old. The video series is brilliant: they’re taking actual conversations between a two-year-old and her dad and replacing the two-year-old with an adult male. Video below:

You can follow the series as it develops at Warmland Films or on YouTube.

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Comments on Convos with my 2-year-old: parent-child conversations re-enacted with another adult

  1. OMG. Totally reminds me of the BoredShortsTV skits where the adults voiceover the recording of the kids’ voices. Not sure if this is ok to put links to them here… Funny stuff!

  2. Really?? The idea is brilliant, but then when I watched it, it wasn’t really that funny. I hope they make more that are funny.

  3. I have a great sence of humor, and I did not find this to
    be funny at all. I had to watch it a second time to see if
    I missed something…..NOPE STILL NOT FUNNY!!!!!

  4. This is SO FUNNY. This is so my husband many days when he comes home. XP And he does exactly what the dad in this film did…walk away. hahahahaha I’m looking forward to future installments.

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