Upcycle jars from your recycling bin with scrapbook paper

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Repurposing Old Cans & Jars

Just look at these adorable jars! Can you believe that before they were the perfect way Offbeat Homie Léah organized her craft supplies, these jars were trash? Léah added this photo to our Flickr pool, explaining:

I was not digging my mish-mash of pencil cups lately, and decided to create a new look by covering cans and jars from my recycling bin with scrapbook paper.

Go ahead and grab some scrapbook paper in coordinating colors, root through your recycling bin, and make yourself this adorable craft supply organizing system!

Comments on Upcycle jars from your recycling bin with scrapbook paper

  1. I used cans and fabric to do much the same thing for my kitchen utensils! Other options include glass jars with glued-on tissue-paper squares for a sort of stained-glass look, pretty contact paper on cans or jars, or painting jars or cans! They’re so useful, and also look nice!

  2. Um, this is a TOTAL BASKETS MOMENT for me! I have a bunch of glass jars and I always feel bad just recycling them, because I *know* I could find some other use for them. I’ve been thinking about making small terrariums for gifts but until that happens, this is also a great idea!

  3. Total BASKETS moment here too; I’ve got loads of tins/jars/glasses and some gorgeous scrapbook paper, as well as an office desk that’s just crying out for pretty storage!

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