How to make your own swirly whirly spiral herb garden

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Almost anyone can have an herb garden, but how many people have an herb SPIRAL! This new hotness comes to us from Jeamac who built it herself. And here’s how she pulled it off.

Completed Herb SpiralHere’s our completed herb spiral. We made it one meter high and one meter in diameter so that all the herbs are within reach. To create this garden, we started by watching some “how to build an herb spiral” videos on YouTube and then winged it.

This is the video we took most of our info from:

Building an Herb SpiralWe covered the grass with a thick layer of newspapers. Then we built the brick spiral. We needed a lot more bricks than we thought! We got lots of bricks through Freecycle, but still had to buy some used bricks to complete the spiral.

Herb SpiralThen filled the brick spiral up with straw for mulch, and let it sit for a few months.

Completed Herb SpiralWhen it was time to plant, we topped it off with planting soil. Some other things we considered were companion planting, planting marigolds as pest deterrents, and what we had in our spice rack (which herbs we use more frequently).

Several of our plants didn’t make it, so we are trying to deduce what the issues are and hopefully have a better survival rate in the future. For help with that, this website has good visuals and a description of some herbs’ water needs.

And if you’re curious, this video is good for explaining why you would build an herb spiral:

Comments on How to make your own swirly whirly spiral herb garden

  1. I’ve thought herb spirals are cool since I first saw one in a community garden several years ago.

    A farm I volunteered at this spring had a HUGE one–like probably 15 feet across.

  2. I love herb spirals! I keep trying to convince Mr. Bear that we should build one, but he’s satisfied with our boring patio herb garden. I have a bunch of herb spirals pinned on Pinterest, though…

  3. Yup, been wanting to build a herb spiral for a while now, too! But the spot which I think would be perfect for it happens to be my husband’s favorite spot because there are so many different flowers growing there (and I have no clue as to which of them are “weeds” and which are actually supposed to be there… so I suspect that little patch will look a lot less pretty in quite a short time. ^^” ). Ah well – permaculture is about fitting everyone’s needs (the earth itself & and its inhabitants) into a garden, so I guess I should respect my poor hubby’s needs, too. ;D

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