Darth Vader can be helpful in the kitchen

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Dark Side of our kitchen

I can’t even explain the face I made when I saw Allison‘s kitchen utensil holder. It’s probably the face you’re making right now seeing her supplies that live in this Darth Vader Halloween bucket! I love how all the utensils are red and black — how very Dark Side of them.

Speaking of the Dark Side: as an added bonus, here’s Allison’s Death Star clock:

Death Star clock

Comments on Darth Vader can be helpful in the kitchen

  1. LOVE IT! I actually have Darth Vader in my bathroom – Hubs has an old Darth Vader bust that holds…something (matchbox cars, maybe?) from his childhood. We have a shelf over the toilet, and he sits there, watching all the boys pee.

    • Ha! Darth Vader lives in our bathroom, too… along with others. The previous owners left some floating shelves, so all the Star Wars action figures became a decorative action scene. I think right now Vader, Luke, and a Stormtrooper are doing a matching dance routine while Boba Fett points a gun at Threepio and R2.

  2. We have a Han action figure sitting on our bathroom counter watching the toilet and Leia on our downstairs living room window sill 😀

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